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مركز شباب بولاق
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مركز شباب بولاق
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مركز شباب بولاق

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 Photographs taken of the dog under water by Seth Casteel

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
ملك ملوك بولاق
ملك ملوك بولاق

انا من بلده : china
انثى عدد المساهمات : 1831
نقاط : 33915
السٌّمعَة : 332
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/09/2010

Photographs taken of the dog under water by Seth Casteel Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Photographs taken of the dog under water by Seth Casteel   Photographs taken of the dog under water by Seth Casteel Icon_minitime1الأربعاء فبراير 29, 2012 11:34 am

Seth Casteel, a renowned photographer who often take a picture of life for Little Friend Pet Photography. Seth Casteel and this time featuring photographs of pets, dogs with the art of underwater photography.

Seth Casteel is able to capture the dog who is swimming underwater while playing pick up a. With a blend of several colors composition, each of the picture looks perfect, and light as a camera capable of capturing every detail of the dog when it jumped into the pool.
Notice the dogs face and its expression is probably priceless.

Photographs taken of the dog under water by Seth Casteel Seth-Casteels-Underwater-Dog-Photography-01
Photographs taken of the dog under water by Seth Casteel Seth-Casteels-Underwater-Dog-Photography-03
Photographs taken of the dog under water by Seth Casteel Seth-Casteels-Underwater-Dog-Photography-02
Photographs taken of the dog under water by Seth Casteel Seth-Casteels-Underwater-Dog-Photography-04
Photographs taken of the dog under water by Seth Casteel Seth-Casteels-Underwater-Dog-Photography-05
Photographs taken of the dog under water by Seth Casteel Seth-Casteels-Underwater-Dog-Photography-07

Photographs taken of the dog under water by Seth Casteel Seth-Casteels-Underwater-Dog-Photography-06
Photographs taken of the dog under water by Seth Casteel Seth-Casteels-Underwater-Dog-Photography-08
Photographs taken of the dog under water by Seth Casteel Seth-Casteels-Underwater-Dog-Photography-09
Photographs taken of the dog under water by Seth Casteel Seth-Casteels-Underwater-Dog-Photography-10

Photographs taken of the dog under water by Seth Casteel Seth-Casteels-Underwater-Dog-Photography-08

Photographs taken of the dog under water by Seth Casteel Seth-Casteels-Underwater-Dog-Photography-12
Photographs taken of the dog under water by Seth Casteel Seth-Casteels-Underwater-Dog-Photography-11
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Photographs taken of the dog under water by Seth Casteel
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