مركز شباب بولاق
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مركز شباب بولاق
مرحبا بك في موقع مركز شباب بولاق
نرجوا التفاعل معنا والمساهمه بمواضيعك
سجل وبعد التسجيل فعل حسابك بنفسك في اميلك الشخصي
مع تحيات اداره الموقع احمد سعودي
مركز شباب بولاق
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

مركز شباب بولاق

بولاق ابو العلا رمز الحضاره
البوابةالرئيسيةالمنشوراتأحدث الصورقران كريمالتسجيلدخولالعاب اون لاينالعابشات ودرشه
اهلا بكم في موقع مركز شباب بولاق - ونرجوا ان تستمتعوا معنا- مدير الموقع / احمد سعودي مشرف الحاسب الالي بالمركز -ت 01223834149



 Software : Nero 11 Full + Creative Collections Pack 11-FTP RU

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
ملك ملوك بولاق
ملك ملوك بولاق

انا من بلده : china
انثى عدد المساهمات : 1831
نقاط : 33140
السٌّمعَة : 332
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/09/2010

Software : Nero 11 Full + Creative Collections Pack 11-FTP RU Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Software : Nero 11 Full + Creative Collections Pack 11-FTP RU   Software : Nero 11 Full + Creative Collections Pack 11-FTP RU Icon_minitime1السبت ديسمبر 31, 2011 4:20 pm

Software : Nero 11 Full + Creative Collections Pack 11-FTP RU Nero114

Nero 11 Full + Creative Collections Pack 11-FTP RU | 932 MB
class package of Nero 11 Platinum simplifies access to cloudstorage,
playback Blu-ray Disc and support for mobile devices tosynchronize
playlists, iTunes , pictures and video on smartphones andTablet PCs
Android . You get a really full-fledged video editing tools,as well as
innovative technology convert videos to watch movies on anydevice,
anytime, anywhere.


- Playing a Blu-ray
your favorite movies and home videos recorded on the disc Blu-ray, high
definition sound and film-quality DTS and Dolby Digital Surround right
on your computer.
- Synchronize over Wi-Fi and USB
Nero Kwik
Mobile Sync lets you share music, photos and videos between your PC and
Android devices over wireless networks. Optimize your content "on the
fly", because just one movement you can play almost anything, from songs
from the playlist to iTunes downloaded movies. With the rapid automatic
detection devices, you can choose any unit of a large list of
compatible devices and save it to your music, photos and video.
- The integrated Nero MediaBrowser
to a completely new component of Nero MediaBrowser can immediately
start working on any project. In most projects, you can one-click access
to a library of music, photos and video. Your job will be easy and
convenient, for now, just drag your photo files, video and music from
the library of Nero Kwik Media in your project.
- Convert and compress DVD-Video * or video
it's video, shot on your mobile phone, or DVD-movie, each device needs
its format playback. Nero 11 provides enhanced video transcoding, which
allow to convert almost any DVD-movie or video in any video format for
playback on any device, so you can easily view their favorite videos
- Simple and Advanced mode video editing
Get amazing
results regardless of your experience video editing. You can easily
switch from Express Storyboard editing mode in the advanced editing one
touch and continue to work on a project in the same window. Go with a
simple and easy to use templates to the effects of multi-track editing,
management of key frames on a single screen video editing, wonderful
patterns blend effects "Picture in Picture" and much more. Do your
homework projects in sparkling delight friends and family like never
- Nero LIVEBackup
Simple backups in one-touch by using
Nero LIVEBackup to protect all your files and even entire operating
system. You can also choose to backup manually, but only Nero LIVEBackup
ensure continuous reliable backup.
- Burn disc longevity
experts, who first implemented the technology to burn, constantly
improve their decisions. Once the application Nero SecurDisc 3.0 by
scanning the surface of the disk ensures readability, regardless of
scratches, age and wear, so that your content will be stored for a long
time to drive safe and sound.
- Copy DVD
Move movies to DVD-ROM
drive directly from your PC with one-touch backup. Place all your DVD
movies and Blu-ray * in a single media library by copying them to
optical media. Advanced settings allow to copy only what you need,
eliminating unwanted sections, the tracks in other languages, additional
material and more.

System requirements:

Windows XP SP3 (32bit)
Windows Vista SP1 or higher (32 - and 64-bit versions)
Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional or Ultimate (32 - and 64-bit)

Software : Nero 11 Full + Creative Collections Pack 11-FTP RU 592724

From Filejungle
http://www.filejungle part02.rar

From Filesonic
filesonic. .part01.rar
filesonic. part02.rar
filesonic. part03.rar
filesonic. part05.rar
filesonic. part06.rar
filesonic. part07.rar
filesonic. .part08.rar
filesonic. part09.rar
filesonic. part10.rar

From Fileserve

From Uploadstation

Software : Nero 11 Full + Creative Collections Pack 11-FTP RU 250256

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Software : Nero 11 Full + Creative Collections Pack 11-FTP RU 250256


Software : Nero 11 Full + Creative Collections Pack 11-FTP RU 250256


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